Thursday, February 4, 2010

Club Penguin Hotspots

Hello Club Penguinites! I'm sorry about the delay in getting the video out, and I will continue to try to upload it. In the meantime, I will give you a written list of Club Penguin Hotspots, and sometime I will figure out how to get the video to upload.
  • The Town. The town is often the busiest place in Club Penguin. Penguins come to meet up, announce parties or events at their igloo, or to go to the Night Club, Gift Shop, or Coffee Shop.
  • The Night Club. The Night Club isn't always busy. But if you are a regular visitor of the Night Club, you know that sometimes it can get really crazy. Penguins go to the Night Club to dance with friends, play DJ3K, or go to the lounge upstairs.
  • The Pizza Parlor. Penguins go to the Pizza Parlor for many different reasons. Some go there on a date, or to have lunch with friends. Some go to work at the Pizza Parlor, as a waitor/waitress or as the boss. Others go to play Pizzatron 3000.
  • The Iceberg. You may be wondering why I chose the Iceberg. I chose this as the last CP hotspot because of how busy it can get. If you've been on a busy server and seen people advertising in the town to tip the iceberg, then you've probably seen how busy it can get. Penguins go to the Iceberg to try to tip it, as well as to play Aqua Grabber.
Thank You to Bibbers6 for our topic! See you next time! -Mrquackers0

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