Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So... What's New in Club Penguin?

The time has once again come to celebrate the Earth and help save the environment! Adding to the money given to help save the earth through Coins for Change, CP's creators will give an additional $100,000 to help save endangered animals!
Easter is on April 24, and you know Club Penguin is planning something special. What, we don't know, but "something extra" is said to be happening this year. Can't wait. And what better way to gear up for Easter than buying a bunny costume. Choose from White Cocoa, Cocoa, and Dark Cocoa bunny ears and costume, or get them all! (Ears are each 250 coins, costume is 550, for a total of 800 coins.) I currently own the Cocoa bunny costume that was available last year, and I absolutely LOVE it.
Thanks! -MQ0

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